Supplier SKU: H-FP33P
East Bay Supply SKU: SHXFP
FP Flexible one-part filling and priming compound prevents self leveling underlayments from passing through joints and breakouts in wooden floors or similar substrates to be renovated. May also be used to embed Schonox RENOTEX for substrate solidification.
FP is suitable as a filling primer:
Coverage: Approx. 200-400 sf depending on porosity of substrate and layer thickness applied
Pot Life: Approx. 30 minutes
Application Temperature: Not below 41°F floor temperature
Ready for Foot Traffic: After approx. 30 minutes
Ready for Leveling Compounds: Approx. 60-180 minutes depending on layer thickness
Shelf Life: One year in unopened package. Opened packages should be closed immediately and used up as soon as possible.