Supplier SKU: LVP777
East Bay Supply SKU: STFLVP777
STAUF LVP-777 Pro-Lux is a specially formulated adhesive for the installation of luxury vinyl tiles and planks. It has an incredible green grab and has one of the highest shear strengths in the industry. It may be used as a wet lay adhesive or as a pressure sensitive adhesive. Flash time should not require more than 20-30 minutes, depending upon temperature and RH. It also works well with non-absorbent subfloors. This formulation specifically addresses issues associated with shrinkage, cupping, and end lifting/curling. LVP-777 is non-hazardous, contains no VOC, is certified as "very low emission" by an independent laboratory, and is eligible for LEED points.
Approved Trowels and Spread Rate:
Open Time:
Flash Time:
Cure Time for Normal Traffic: Approximately 24 hours
Shelf Life: 12 months from date of manufacture in original, unopened container.